Authors Summit Speaker Schedule

Monday, October 15th, 2018

  • Michael E. Gerber — Write and Publish for Impact
  • Jenny Shipley — Creating Emotional Connection with Readers

Tuesday, October 16th, 2018

  • Suzanne Evans — Your Game-changing Book
  • Jon Block — Master Your Personal Story

Wednesday, October 17th, 2018

  • Walt Hampton — Time Mastery for Authors
  • Laurie Aranda — Publishing 101: Self, Hybrid or Traditional?

Thursday, October 18th, 2018

  • Michelle Villalobos — Your Superstar Brand and Book
  • Dustin Hillis — Power of Purpose for Authors

Friday, October 19th, 2018

  • Mark Lovett — Story Listening
  • LeeAnn Webster — Email Essentials for Authors

Saturday, October 20th, Saturday

  • Leigh Brown — Secrets to 5-Star Amazon Reviews
  • Iman Aghay — Monetize Your Book with Online Courses

Sunday, October 21st, 2018

  • Michael Sarracini — Author to TV Celebrity
  • Sahar Nafal — Build Your Book Community

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

  • Marquesa Pettway — Authors as Speakerpreneurs
  • Jason Drohn — Online Marketing for Authors

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018

  • Raoul Davis — 6-Figure Publishing Deals with CEO Branding
  • Tina Dietz — Audio Marketing for Authors
  • Jackie Lapin — Author Visibility with Speaking Gigs

Wednesday, October 24th, 2018

  • Dean DeLisle — LinkedIn Influence for Authors
  • Gurutej Khalsa — Energy Tools for Authors
  • Helen Chang — Catapult Your Credibility with a Book

The VIP Package includes:

  • Complete set of interviews with our 20+ expert featured in the series
    - audio files (downloadable MP3)
    - video files (downloadable MP4)
    $297 value


You also get:



The Are You Worthy of a Bestselling Book quiz, with free Author Breakthrough Session, $500 value

The Plan My Book Questionnaire, so you can start visioning the context of your book, $150 value



Plan My Book ROI Workshop, so you can plan your 6- or 7-figure return on investment, before you write your book, $199 value

Book ROI Worksheet, to plan your revenue strategy, $99 value


Meditations for both beginning and ending the writing process, downloadable MP3s, $99 value

Total VIP PACKAGE value: $1,344

Your investment today:
Only $297