Get it Published.

You're ready to hold your published book in your hands.
But even though you want to publish your book, you don't know where to start.

You're wondering: 

  • How does all this work?
  • Should I go with a traditional publisher or self-publish?
  • Who are all these other small publishers I keep hearing about?
  • How can I get this book out quickly so I can start monetizing it?

You want to know how to:

  • Set up your own publishing company
  • Publish books online and offline
  • Get your book on Amazon, Kindle and Create Space
  • Create and audio book version of your book
  • Build your publishing empire

You have questions. We have answers.

Should I go for a traditional publisher or self-publish?

What's the difference between traditional, hybrid, and self-publishing?
What exactly are they, anyway? Which is right for you?

Here's a quick lowdown...

Traditional Publishing.

These are large publishing houses, like Penguin and Random House. To sell your book to a traditional publisher, you need to write a book proposal (like a business plan) that includes how you will market your book.

You will also hire a literary agent (kind of like a real estate agent). If you go this route it takes two to three years before your book comes out, and you will earn royalties of about 10%.

You are still responsible for marketing your book.

Hybrid Publishing.

Hybrid publishers are "all the small publishing houses" you've been hearing about. These publishers offer editing and publishing services for a fee. In exchange, they keep a large percentage of your royalties, leaving you with about 50%.

You are still responsible for marketing your own book.


With self-publishing, you set up your branded publishing division, which you own for the life of your products. You pay for editorial and publishing services, but own and control everything. You also keep 100% of your royalties.

You are still responsible for marketing your book, but you keep everything you earn.

Your guide to publishing.

We are here to guide you through the publishing process, so you can go from

idea to published book ─ fast.

Our experts can:

  • Assist you to create a book proposal that hooks traditional publishers
  • Complement your hybrid publisher by filling in their missing services
  • Guide you through self-publishing, so you get traditional-quality books at self-published prices

Using our Get it Published™ process, you will publish a book that:

  • You have total control over ─ forever
  • Let's you keep 100% of the profits
  • Looks branded and high-quality
  • Launches in a matter of weeks

You can publish your book in the way that's right for you, so you can finally make your book a reality ─ and share your message with the world.

Publish your book.

Author Bridge Media's Get it Published™ process will take you from branded design to professionally published book in as little as five weeks.

Step 1: Set Up My Publishing Empire.

We guide you through the process of setting up your own publishing company, so you can launch your publishing empire with ease, control and confidence.

Step 2: Publish on Amazon - Paperback.

Harness the power of Amazon's publishing arm and market to millions of readers worldwide.

Step 3: Publish on Amazon - Kindle.

Get your book on Kindle platform as an e-book, so you can expand your reach to millions of readers.

Step 4: Print Copies in Bulk.

Engage a printer, so you control how many copies to print, while paying wholesale prices ─ forever.

Step 5: Connect to Audible.

Make your book be heard, by turning it into an audio book that reaches more audiences on the go.

Our publishing services give you strategies for making the most revenue from your book, while reaching millions of potential buyers worldwide.

Before publishing, you may want to Design your book.

You will also want to Write your manuscript.

Let's get started!

Apply for a free 1-hour consultation with our Publishing Expert to get started publishing your book.

Click here