Welcome to the Authors Summit!

Today's Interviews
Day 9

October 23, 2018

Raoul Davis

Ascendant Group CEO

6-Figure Publishing Deals
with CEO Branding

Video with Audio

To watch the video, click the arrow on the image.

Audio Version

To listen to the audio, click the arrow below.

If you would like to receive Raoul Davis's free gift - please click here to send an email

Tina Dietz

Start Something Creative Business Solutions founder

Audio Marketing for Authors

Video with Audio

To watch the video, click the arrow on the image.

Audio Version

To listen to the audio, click the arrow below.

CLICK HERE to access Tina's FREE gift, How Successful Authors Leverage Their Books - Audiobook Production Checklist

Jackie Lapin

Speakertunity founder

Author Visibility with
Speaking Gigs

Video with Audio

To watch the video, click the arrow on the image.

Audio Version

To listen to the audio, click the arrow below.

CLICK HERE to access Jackie's FREE gift, 150+ Speaker Leads Writing for You—No Research required!

Miss a gift from a past speaker?
Please continue scrolling as all the speakers' FREE gift links are still accessible.

Yesterday's Interviews

Marquesa Pettway

The Bright Side of Life Community founder

Authors as Speakerpreneurs

Video with Audio

To watch the video, click the arrow on the image.

Audio Version

To listen to the audio, click the arrow below.

CLICK HERE to download Marquesa's FREE gift, Speak for Free and Earn Six Figures - eBook and Audio Book

Jason Drohn

Leveling Up Academy founder

Online Marketing for Authors

Video with Audio

To watch the video, click the arrow on the image.

Audio Version

To listen to the audio, click the arrow below.

CLICK HERE to access Jason's FREE gift, Action Plan Call

Want to get a collection of these interviews?

The VIP Package includes:

  • Complete set of interviews with our 20+ expert featured in the series
    - audio files (downloadable MP3)
    - video files (downloadable MP4)
    $297 value


You also get:



The Are You Worthy of a Bestselling Book quiz, with free Author Breakthrough Session, $500 value

The Plan My Book Questionnaire, so you can start visioning the context of your book, $150 value



Plan My Book ROI Workshop, so you can plan your 6- or 7-figure return on investment, before you write your book, $199 value

Book ROI Worksheet, to plan your revenue strategy, $99 value


Meditations for both beginning and ending the writing process, downloadable MP3s, $99 value

Total VIP PACKAGE value: $1,344

Your investment today:
Only $297

Past Speakers

Michael E. Gerber

Jenny Shipley

Suzanne Evans

Jon Block

Spoke on
October 15th

Write and Publish for Impact

Spoke on
October 15th

Creating Emotional Connection with Readers

Spoke on
October 16th

Your Game-changing Book

Spoke on
October 16th

Master Your Personal Story

CLICK HERE to access Michael's FREE gift

CLICK HERE to contact
Jenny Shipley

CLICK HERE to access Suzanne's FREE gift

CLICK HERE to access Jon's FREE gift

Walt Hampton

Laurie Aranda

Michelle Villalobos

Dustin Hillis

Spoke on
October 17th

Time Mastery for Authors

Spoke on
October 17th

Publishing 101: Self, Hyrbid or Traditional?

Spoke on
October 18th

Your Superstar Brand and Book

Spoke on
October 18th

Power of Purpose for Authors

CLICK GIFT#1 and GIFT#2  to access Walt's FREE gift

CLICK HERE to contact
Laurie Aranda

CLICK HERE to access Michelle's FREE gift

CLICK HERE to access Dustin's FREE gift

Mark Lovett

LeeAnn Webster

Leigh Brown

Iman Aghay

Spoke on
October 19th

Story Listening

Spoke on
October 19th

Email Essentials for Authors

Spoke on
October 20th

Secrets to 5-Star Amazon Reviews

Spoke on
October 20th

Monetize Your Book with Online Courses

CLICK HERE to access Mark's FREE gift

CLICK HERE to access LeeAnn's FREE gift

CLICK HERE to access Leigh's FREE gift

CLICK HERE to access Iman's FREE gift

Spoke on
October 21st

Author to TV Celebrity

Spoke on
October 21st

Build Your Book Community

Spoke on
October 22nd

Authors as Speakerpreneurs

Spoke on
October 22nd

Online Marketing for Authors

CLICK HERE to access Michael's FREE gift

CLICK HERE to access Sahar's FREE gift

CLICK HERE to access Marquesa's FREE gift

CLICK HERE to access Jason's FREE gift