Growing LinkedIn from
3,500 to 35,000 Connections

Write your book for business growth and marketing success
through LinkedIn.

Would you like to 10x your LinkedIn following?

Writing your book for business growth and marketing success is a great way to do that.

Scott’s powerful story

Here's a story of one of our authors.

At age 23, Scott Leese had a near-death experience. Over the next 4 years, he went through many surgeries and procedures, recovering from health and addiction issues.

When he got out of his last hospital, he decided to go into sales. It was the fastest way he could think of to make up for lost time. Sales cured his addictions. His business grew to multiple six figures.

Then he decided to write a book.

Scott Leese used his book as a calling card in LinkedIn.

Personal journey and expertise

In the book, he shared about his recovery from addictions and new addictive methods for transactional sales.

It was called, Addicted to the Process: How to Close Transactional Sales with Confidence and Consistency.

Scott Leese’s book was a powerful tool for business growth and marketing success. (Some say this was “growing network email LinkedIn.”)

Short but impactful

It was a small book, only 88 pages. But the impact was huge.

  • Companies bought his book in bulk
  • His LinkedIn following catapulted from 3,500 to more than 35,000
  • His email list grew to 70,000
  • He was named one of the Top 25 Most Influential Sales Leaders
  • His business exploded by five times

People loved his book. "I could relate to all your addiction stories," they told him. "Thank you for all you're doing for the sales community." They used the book for business growth and marketing success. 

Scott said to me, "It's a very bizarre feeling for me still when somebody reaches out to me... It's just really humbling..."

Growing network email LinkedIn: Reach out with your book

Just one small book can ten times your connections. A book is a powerful tool for business growth and marketing success.

On LinkedIn alone, you can turn your book content into a year's worth of articles, posts, and messages. You can give your book to contacts. And you can reach out to prospects, using your book as a calling card, fueling business growth and marketing success.

We got Scott's book done in six months. 

If we start your book today, it would be out in six months.

Is it time for your book? Are you ready to invest in your business growth?

Let’s talk.

by Helen Chang, ABM Editorial Director

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