Tips to avoid "Death by Powerpoint"

Presentations make or break your audience's attention.

One of the best ways to promote your book is through speaking.

Now that events are back, you may speak on stages, virtual events and webinars.

As a speaker, one of your most important tools is the visual presentation.

Yet, how do you avoid boring slides? Also known as, “Death by Powerpoint”?

Brigette Callahan, the founder of Presentation Mastery, works with leading speakers to create stunning and memorable presentations.

She helped me create my Signature Talk slides, which I have used with thousands of audience members.

What are the secrets to a powerful presentation?

Brigette shares three keys.

  1. Get clear on your outcome
  2. Avoid all the text on slides
  3. Find great images

What does this mean?

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1. Get clear on your outcome

Be clear about the outcome that you want from your talk. Do you want people to buy something? Signup for a free gift? Or talk to you later?

Knowing your outcome shapes your presentation.

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2. Avoid all the text on slides

Avoid the text overload. You don’t want people seeing your cheat notes on your slides. You don’t want to read to your audience or them reading, too.

Telling your story through images helps your storytelling more compelling and creative.

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3. Find great image

A picture worth a thousand words. Create that uber memory of what people can remember from your presentation. Don’t use bullets. Bullets kill.

Using images creates an impactful memory, making a lasting impression to your audience.

Brigette herself has been a secret to many.

That’s why I’m excited to share about her with you.

She’s even offering a free gift to our subscribers (You!)......

Once your book is launched, I’m happy to assist in writing your Signature Talk. Then let Brigette create your presentation.

Successful books share compelling stories. So do successful presentations.

Shall we explore possibilities?

Or are you ready for Brigette’s gift?

Can’t wait to talk.

by Helen Chang, ABM Editorial Director

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